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FAQ for Integration
Learn all about connecting your e-shop to Samba.
How can I see all imported customers in Samba?
Samba is telling me to forward its DNS domains, even though I have already done that.
I am using Webareal eshop and I am getting an error while trying to register through your form.
What is the difference between removing users from the database and removing users from mailing list?
Why am I able to send only one newsletter per day?
I have deleted a user from my Data Feed, but the user is still there.
I am unable to send newsletters to Seznam Email users.
How do I force Data Feed refresh?
How can I get the API key for development purposes?
Samba is telling me that I haven’t implemented customerLoggedIn, cartInteraction and order methods yet.
I have created an e-shop with “Czech koruna” as a currency, but my newsletters have products with “Euro” currency.
Can we use Samba on our e-shop, which is based on the Shoptet platform?
We need to change our newsletter sender e-mail address.
Do I need to create Data Feed?
We have configured the Samba SmartPoint on our e-shop, but Samba still says it’s inactive.